Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Annie Update

It will be two weeks on Thursday since we adopted Annie and although we have seen some progress, I also realize this is going to take a long while. Poor Annie who has no self esteem or confidence is very very slowly starting to trust us.

Here is a photo of one of her major breakthroughs on this past sleepy Sunday morning. My daughter in the furry socks and p.j.s was taking the photo and Brad is the lucky one who got to coax her to come and eat from his hands.

One more MAJOR breakthrough yesterday....she licked me!!!! She likes me!!! She likes me!!! (remember the line from the Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer clay-mation movie?)

Annie is teaching me all about the word, patience.


  1. Aunt Phyllis,

    What a great picture!! That's a great accomplishment! She looks so sweet.

    Love to you all,

  2. Awww! Thanks, Janelle! Your dog in the pic. sure looks like a sweetie. It must be with five kids around!

  3. Yes! He is super-sweet, super-lovable, and extremely tolerant. =)

  4. Wonderful, Phyllis! I'm loving reading about her progress. :-)

  5. Like Sally Fields Oscar speech... "you really like me..."

    Annie will come around, we have a cat with issues.
    He fell into the pool this week, and became my best friend after I chased him around the house and then toweled him off.

    That is the great thing about what you have decided to do, Annie has been offered a bright future. Good for you.

  6. What a sweet picture ... and a wonderful, positive step! :-)
