Here are some of the
PBAA artists in costume for the party. Me(fairy princess),
Judith Moffatt (Queen Malificent),
Sharon Vargo (mushroom),
Emilie Boone (bumble bee),
Sharon Holm (mother nature).

The trees were just beginning to change. Here's the lake behind the Central House where we stayed. Beautiful!

Here's a few
PBAArs out of Costume. Me,
Emilie Boone,
Judith Moffatt and her hubby,
Sharon Holm and
Sherry Neidigh.

Above is the Boyd's Mills Press offices and then next door is the Highlight's offices(shown below) in this beautiful old house in Honesdale, PA.

And now I know why the Highlight's address is Church street. There's a church on every corner.
It really was a wonderful weekend! Thank you Highlights!