Monday, February 20, 2012

More "Katharine the Almost Great" books!

It is always so much fun to have your hard work come to life in book form! It takes so long(sometimes more than a year or two) for a book to finally get published after the art has been turned in. It never really seems real until you hold the book in your hand and are able to smell the new ink on the paper and to hear the tiny crack of the spine when opened for the very first time. :)

Here are the next six books(6-12) in the series of Katherine the Almost Great books written by the talented Lisa Mullarkey and illustrated by moi. :) They are published by ABDO and only offered in library binding at this time but hopefully you can find them in a library nearest you OR if you want, they are also available at your local bookstore or online.


Paige Keiser said...

Those look GREAT Phyllis!! Congratulations!!

Paige Keiser said...

P.S. How did you include that dot pattern on your blog? I love it? Is it some kind of code? I'd like to add some drawing patterns to my blog like that.

Phyllis Harris said...

Hmmm....not sure where I found the backgrounds but I know it was somewhere among the settings on blogger. Let me go take a look and see if I remember but I know it was done through blogger's options.

Phyllis Harris said... get a unique blogger background, go to the blogger dashboard and click on "settings", then click "Design", then on the "Template Designer" tab and then click on background. :) Hope that helps, Paige and have fun!

Mary Lou Rosato-Caine said...

Congratulations on getting your books! I work at a library so I will see if we have them, if not I will recommend them to my manager who does the ordering! You're an inspiration!

Phyllis Harris said...

Thank you, Mary Lou! I appreciate your support so much!!

Melissa Saylor said...

Big congratulations!!! Your artwork is so much fun. Your success gives me hope. So, I'm back to my drawing table!

patrice barton said...

Congrats, Phyllis!! Cheers to your fresh new books! The covers are delightful!

Phyllis Harris said...

Thank you Melissa and Patty!! :)


Congratulations Phyllis!

Lisa M Griffin said...

Colorful and charming. Congratulations!

Alicia Padrón said...

WOOHOOO Phyllis!!! They look beautiful!! And so do you.. hee hee :o)

Big congratulations! I have to get these for my daughter! xoxo

Stephanie Roth Sisson said...

Really lovely covers, Phyllis!- can't wait to see the illos inside. A big congratulations .

Lisa said...

The illustrations on the inside are just as FABO as the covers! Lucky me!!!!!!