Dear Friends,
Often times, as a solo-entrepreneur I run out of ideas. What I mean is, as I am trudging along going full speed ahead doing whatever is on the top of my priority list, i.e.- getting my new adult coloring books out to the public, and then I realize...what's next? As a small business owner, my job is never done. That's not a complaint, but a realization that I need to always be in the creative mode, at least a LOT of the time. That's not necessarily a problem since I LOVE what I do; create art! However, in putting my business woman cap on, I realize I need to keep the momentum going so.... I have been working behind the scenes on a BRAND NEW idea. A Brandy and Emma Coloring Book/Story Book, a 2 -in 1 book. 1, adults can enjoy the act of coloring and 2, enjoy reading with your little ones after the book is complete. It makes a wonderful keepsake for everyone to enjoy for years to come! Be watching for it's release any day.
You may ask...who is Brandy and Emma?! Have any of you noticed I have lots of art featuring golden retrievers and a small blonde headed girls? Ever wonder why? Many of you on this list are already familiar with my Brandy and Emma characters because of the stamping/crafting community. But for those of you who don't know who Brandy and Emma are, let me explain.
Here is the original Brandy, the golden retriever and Emma.(aka Em or Emily, our daughter, the photo taken many years ago, as she is now a mama herself.)

Brandy was our very first beloved golden retriever who has been gone from our lives for many years now but never gone from our hearts. She was the dearest creature and I often thought she was an angel sent by God to our family.
The character of Emma was based on our own precious daughter, Emily as a small girl. I am thinking it is finally time to create a book just for the two of them to go on their adventures! What would you all think of a coloring book of The Adventures of Brandy and Emma?
To get a vision of what I am speaking of...Here are few of my best selling wall art prints that will be included in black and white sketch form in the coloring book.

There are still lots of my first coloring book, the heART of childhood, going out to their new homes so be sure to get your copy soon as I only have 3 boxes left! And I would be so honored if you shared this link to my coloring book with your friends and family who might enjoy this new fun craze of adult coloring. It is so relaxing after a stressful day. Oh, and be sure to use the FREE U.S. SHIPPING coupon code USShipFree at checkout!

As always, thank you for being a part of our wonderful community. I am so grateful for each and every one of you!
♥ Gifts that give back ♥
Often times, as a solo-entrepreneur I run out of ideas. What I mean is, as I am trudging along going full speed ahead doing whatever is on the top of my priority list, i.e.- getting my new adult coloring books out to the public, and then I realize...what's next? As a small business owner, my job is never done. That's not a complaint, but a realization that I need to always be in the creative mode, at least a LOT of the time. That's not necessarily a problem since I LOVE what I do; create art! However, in putting my business woman cap on, I realize I need to keep the momentum going so.... I have been working behind the scenes on a BRAND NEW idea. A Brandy and Emma Coloring Book/Story Book, a 2 -in 1 book. 1, adults can enjoy the act of coloring and 2, enjoy reading with your little ones after the book is complete. It makes a wonderful keepsake for everyone to enjoy for years to come! Be watching for it's release any day.
You may ask...who is Brandy and Emma?! Have any of you noticed I have lots of art featuring golden retrievers and a small blonde headed girls? Ever wonder why? Many of you on this list are already familiar with my Brandy and Emma characters because of the stamping/crafting community. But for those of you who don't know who Brandy and Emma are, let me explain.
Here is the original Brandy, the golden retriever and Emma.(aka Em or Emily, our daughter, the photo taken many years ago, as she is now a mama herself.)

Brandy was our very first beloved golden retriever who has been gone from our lives for many years now but never gone from our hearts. She was the dearest creature and I often thought she was an angel sent by God to our family.
The character of Emma was based on our own precious daughter, Emily as a small girl. I am thinking it is finally time to create a book just for the two of them to go on their adventures! What would you all think of a coloring book of The Adventures of Brandy and Emma?
To get a vision of what I am speaking of...Here are few of my best selling wall art prints that will be included in black and white sketch form in the coloring book.

There are still lots of my first coloring book, the heART of childhood, going out to their new homes so be sure to get your copy soon as I only have 3 boxes left! And I would be so honored if you shared this link to my coloring book with your friends and family who might enjoy this new fun craze of adult coloring. It is so relaxing after a stressful day. Oh, and be sure to use the FREE U.S. SHIPPING coupon code USShipFree at checkout!

As always, thank you for being a part of our wonderful community. I am so grateful for each and every one of you!

♥ Gifts that give back ♥
Phyllis Harris Designs & You – Giving the gift of love and healing
Every purchase of a heart-warming Phyllis Harris Designs illustration print donates 5 percent of every illustration print sold from our website to Children's Mercy Hospital.
Be sure and follow my social media networks to keep up with all that is going on. Here are the links:
Facebook: sure and follow my social media networks to keep up with all that is going on. Here are the links:
1 comment:
Fabulous! If you love your subject matter, and love art....your passion will shine through! Quite the recipe for success!
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